Why Visualization Will Help Your Anger

Jeremy Sutton, PhD
2 min readFeb 21, 2022

Four steps to FADE anger

We’ve all lost it at times. We’ve become angry at the smallest thing or reacted badly when we wish we hadn’t.

Human emotions are not easy. So let’s take a look at one way to get a grip on one of our most harmful–anger!

Visualization is an incredibly powerful tool for imaging a situation and our response to it.

Try and picture what it would be like in a difficult situation if you were able to manage your anger. Believe it or not, this will help you when you face it for real.

Use the FADE acronym to direct your visualization:

  • How would you feel if you could manage your anger better?
  • How would you appear to others if you could get a grip on your anger?
  • What would you do differently if you were able to control your anger?
  • How empowered would you be and feel if you could manage your anger?

Think about each question in turn.

Make the mental image as real as possible, and enjoy what’s it’s like not to respond in an angry, out-of-control way.

With practice this exercise will help you become more in control of your anger.



Jeremy Sutton, PhD

Positive & performance psychologist, University of Liverpool lecturer, Owner/Coach FlourishingMinds.xyz